Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22: Day of the Seal + World Water Day

Today we celebrate water and the great water pollutant known as seals.  Oh you didn't know seals were polluters?  Well, maybe I made it up and maybe I didn't, but I'm gonna darn well draw a darn parallel between the two darn days if I darn well want to, darn it!  See how I distract you from my questionable start to this sure-to-be-a-stretch blog post with my foul language?  That's a tip kids, write it down.

In more important news, it is also the day that my plane departs most people's idea of paradise so that I can return to my idea of paradise.  Sweet home Colorado, where have you been all of my life?

Now that I've introduced a 3rd piece to this holiday extravaganza, it's time for me to find a tidy way to wrap it all up into one package for you.

That's right--a song by Seal, that has water imagery and describes a love affair.  Seal.  Water.  Colorado.  For the win.  Oh, happy day...

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