Dad Pledged the wood floor today. And if you think Jackson on a recently-mopped wood floor is funny, you should see a handicapped dog and a clumsy dog try and navigate a slippery floor. Joey literally will be standing still, and her legs will fly out from under her, leaving her splayed out on her stomach. Then she gets really embarrassed and tries to crawl under the couch. Timber is terrified of the floor and is trying to learn how to climb the walls in order to avoid it. We now have pots, pans, other miscellaneous kitchen items, and anything else bulky filling every surface above ground level--chairs, couches, coffee tables, etc.--because he refuses to stay on the floor. If he could levitate, he would be so happy. I can't believe I didn't get a photo of him curled up atop the pile of things we had in the little white side chair, balanced precariously, but content in his safety from the evil floor.
p.s. Corey, my dad hates Say Yes to the Dress far more than you could muster the energy to compete with. He was begging for commercials the whole friggin' 30min it was on.
p.p.s. Anchorage TV ad writers are the most blatantly plagiarizing group of "creative" professionals EVAR. In the last 5min I saw the Mac vs. PC redone into a furniture commercial and the Could 15min really save you 15% on your car insurance? GEICO commercial turned into a car dealership commercial. The dialogue is as word-for-word as it gets, with just the product name substituted. UGH.
Speaking of copycats, I did finally hear that Lady Gaga song and it does sound very Madona-ish.