Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21: First Day of Spring

It's the first day of Spring!  Hooray warm weather!  Speaking of warm weather, I finally got around to uploading some photos.  Let's check a few out, shall we?

I don't have much else to say about today, so instead I'll share a little story.  Last night a friend of Lindy's came over, and we decided to play Up the River, Down the River.  What poor Phil didn't know is that we rigged the cards before he got there.  And you know what happens when you have two aces in your hand and the remaining two show up as the "take 8" and "take 10" cards?  It means that you are slamming a 24oz Four Loko in 3 minutes or less because with those 36 drinks and the other 30+ dished out to him when Lindy and I had the "give" cards, that's a lot of drinks.  He didn't get suspicious until that very last ace turned up though.

Once he finished his Four Loko, Lindy volunteered to make him a screwdriver.  Little did he know that Lindy "rufied" him with the only thing she had available.  Benadryl.  EIGHT of them, to be exact.  Lucky for him, her sister didn't feel like making an ER run when the Four Loko and the Benadryl combined to eat his stomach lining.

Next up was the walk through hooker county (we counted 12) to reach the bar, acting as interpreter for Lindy to the bartenders when she refused to place orders using anything but colors ("I'll take two purples, please"), the new miracle cure for hiccups that worked instantly for me (bitters and seltzer with a slice of was amazing), and drunk girls trying to pick Lindy up for their male friends.  Then a long walk home, minus Phil (hope he didn't die from the BeneLoko cocktail), and plus a massive blister on my toe when Lindy switched me shoes.

The hangover didn't kick in until 7pm today, meaning a solid 18hrs after my last drink.  Scott, if you have any theories about how to avoid extremely deceptive hangovers that attack long after I've finished drinking, slept, woke up, ate, exercised, napped, and ate again...I'm all ears.  Maybe Lindy rufied me too.


  1. The most important advice I have is don't get rufied. Also, I try to avoid exercising or getting my heart rate up the day after drinking as that could tax my already dehydrated system and lead to headaches. If you weren't drinking water either that could further exacerbate the problem.

  2. LOL, Scott I told her to drink water. Also if Lindy ever tries to Rufie me she's going down after I get back from the hospital, considering that one tylenol takes me out. Also Sarah you're lookin' skinny girl.

    Hey this one could actually be a name "Ammery"

  3. Well, by "exercise" I meant walk on the beach looking for cool stuff, which wasn't exactly a large exertion, but I was out in the sun. The water thing will haunt me forever.

    If you're basing the "skinny" comment on the photo of me cropped from the boobs up because I looked wide below, then you should know that photos lie. But thanks :).
