Thursday, March 10, 2011


I hope you all read that title in your head with a big booming movie announcer voice.  That's how I hear it every time I read it.  So, back to the issue at hand.

Today is a day to recognize and perform FEATS OF AWESOMENESS.  Why March 10?  Well, today is also Chuck Norris' birthday, and it doesn't get more awesome than Chuck Norris.  But this isn't about him--it's about the awesomeness of ordinary people.  So what will you do today to be awesome?  Some twitter suggestions:
  • Gym, tan, laundry
  • Wear a green shirt
  • "When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story."
  • Do not get laid off
  • Take an awesome nap
  • Lots of things in foreign languages, that I'm sure are awesome when translated, but I like this one best: "OMG mañana es el día internacional del AWESOMENESS!!! ¿Qué hacemo? SPACE ROCK, MOTHERFUCKER!!!"
  • Die your hair blue (founder of the holiday did this)
Okay, some of those are not the most awesome awesomeness suggestions I've ever heard, but the day is still young.  Now here are some really awesome (and many very stupid-awesome) feats:

Today I think my feat of awesomeness will wrapping up two of my big projects here so that I can move on from AK to HI next step closer to coming home!  Yeah!

1 comment:

  1. That video was awesome. Nearly as awesome as the fictional love child of Charlie Sheen and Chuck Norris.
