Friday, March 18, 2011

March 18: Awkward Moments Day

Scott & Adrienne, I wish you had been around for the whole "Awkward Like Matt Kruger" phase that Camp Sparky went through in my grad school days.  I can't do it justice with a description, but the gist was that Matt's awkward (and lengthy) pauses, phrasing, and mannerisms caused general hilarity and became the standard adjective for awkward moments.  Doesn't sound very awesome, I know, but trust me.

Maybe this photo and story will help:

So I was driving to dinner with Matt, and he was telling a story while absent-mindedly playing with the cord on my tape player converter thing-a-ma-jig.  We arrive at our destination and go to get out of the car, and Matt does a face plant of sorts, unable to make a complete dismount from the car.  He distracted himself so much while telling his story that he wound the cord around the loop on his carpenter jeans several times, effectively tethering him to my dashboard.

This is an Awkward Like Matt Kruger moment.

So anyway, today is Awkward Moments Day.  Now go make something awkward happen!  Or just watch some awkward videos.

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