Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 19: Swallows Day

Swallows Day.  Now there's a holiday for you.  Who needs BJ Day when you've got Swallows Day?  Well, it's actually the day the swallows return to California from their winter migration to Argentina.  But that's not as fun, obviously.  In honor of this great day, here's some truths for you to swallow, that I've learned over the past few days:
  1. "If you really want to know what's happening in the world, and why it's happening the way it is, you need to be listening to Glenn Beck" --a very talkative and misinformed patient
  2. Loki likes leashes almost as much as Jackson.
  3. Lindy panics when she has to leave a voicemail and she's being watched.  Her message to tech support about the links that weren't working on her template page was, "We have a clicking...mouse...problem.  Please call me back as soon as possible."
  4. Sometimes 2 one-hour walks are still not enough time for your sister to complete her daily nap, and you may have to improvise for other activities.
  5. Tonight is going to be a good night.  So far we 1) bought beer from Chevron, 2) drank said beer out of paper bags, and 3) will switch to Four Loko when the beer runs out.  Maybe I'll actually have photos to share after tonight.
And tomorrow is another present for you guys.  A good one.  So maybe it will make up for my less-than-quality posts these last couple days.  Here's to hopin'...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun...also, don't forget to look at the moon tonight. It's supposed to be like the largest moon ever or something.

    Here I thought it always stayed the same size...
