Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20: Great American Meat Out Day

Well, last night fizzled because we didn't make it to the Four Loko before we PTFO'd.  However, I've just cracked my first ever of these beasts (they're disgusting, btw), so this post might go downhill if I write too slowly. (Edit: Lindy & Kyle just got in a fight because she doesn't like him when he's drunk because he changes the radio station and tells her to turn on the windshield wipers when it's raining, and so he left for a long walk by himself and is now going home, and Lindy's making me finish my Four Loko anyway so we can go do something, but the mood isn't quite the same...sigh...I really liked him...)

So Great American Meat Out Day.  It's the day that we all realize how harmful eating meat is for our world and ourselves and vow to take a day off from our evil ways.  But I'll let the hippies explain:
"On March 20, thousands of caring people in all 50 U.S. states and two dozen other countries get active to host educational events for Meatout--the world's largest grassroots diet education campaign. Activists distribute free food, educate their communities, and ask their friends, families, and neighbors to 'kick the meat habit' and explore a wholesome, compassionate diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains."
Wholesome and compassionate.  Don't you just love the moral superiority?  Not so compassionate for the poor baby carrots and lil cutie tangerines, though are they?  Those innocent oats.  What did they ever do to us?  I say fugg 'em.  Those hippies can take their holiday and shove it.  Today, we're celebrating Great American Patriotic People Eat Meat Day.

Here is a video of a patriot putting herself on the line to punish all of God's creatures equally--so suck it, hippies:

Now, to help you continue your celebration, I have a present for you.  And, as usual, a clue.  A (maybe?) tougher one this one.  Can't have you getting soft before I get home.  So here you go...good luck!

Hippies see everything in black and white.  Go behind their flood of empty words and find the truth.


  1. Wow. Your parents would be SOOO proud.

  2. Well first I thought it was too hard, but then I thought hard and I figured it out. Though Corey's train of thought was much more entertaining.

  3. PS I see no video. I only hear audio.


  4. Glad you figured it out...go get something tasty with it.

    Can you click on the "watch on YouTube" button to see it where it's posted?
