Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wedding Plans

Since you told me that I "needn't worry about scaring [you] away by talking about dreams of weddings", I should probably bring that fun topic up. As you know, it's one of my favorites. Just to remind you, here's what you had to say about wedding talk:

"First, these topics aren't ominous to me. Second, just because you mention a wedding, or even 'our kids' or something of the sort, I know that this is not your way of saying "I want to get pregnant tomorrow." I say similar things all the time, so I hope you share my thoughts on this topic."

So, that being said, let's go back to the day we consider ourselves officially dating: December 18, 2007. And this little convo:

you: we could elope, while i'm dressed in armor, and riding a dog
me: my mom always suggested it
you: that would BE hot
me: the eloping anyway...the details she left up to me. she also said she'd write me a check instead of paying for a wedding
you: to cover the $50 eloping fee?
me: no, i think she's thinking more like 10k
you: OH
me: she thinks weddings are drama
you: so we could elope, then invest in some better armor and livery and go slay some dragons?
me: i'll watch
you: alright, will you put on a fluffy dress and ride side saddle?
me: of course
you: HOT. I'm gonna go sharpen my broadsword.
me: hopefully you'll survive the dragon slaying though 'cause i won't get a second check

Also, I'll just throw it out there that you said you wanted to marry Leann Womack. So at least I know you want to marry someone ;).

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