Amongst our friends, we're both known as weird eaters. Me more than you, I'm sure, but I'm not alone in my pickiness! Onto the record:
you: what's your favorite food?
me: don't have one. i refrain from picking favorites in most things. i like mexican food and italian food. i like american
you: what food do you really, really, really, really, really like?
me: steak & potatoes, salads, anything sweet (major sweet tooth) as long as it's not flavored chocolate
I didn't fall for your little trick--I DON'T PICK FAVORITES.
you: What food can you not resist?
me: There isn't anything that I CAN'T resist, but there are plenty I don't usually resist. Lime chips with guacamole, skittles, reese's, cheese of just about any kind (except maybe swiss), raspberries, anything raspberry flavored, cheesecake...well, to make this easier to type out, basically anything fatty or sweet.
You never have listened very well. Again--no favorites.
you: do you like sushi?
me: NO
you: do you like seafood?
me: NO
you: do you like food?
me: yes
you: do you eat meat?
me: oh yes
Well, you didn't run away yet--but did you consider it?
you: so far, no red flags, except the seafood thing, which i think we can work around
Phew! Alright, well, maybe we can find some food things we can agree on?
you: food/sexual activities--good combo or leave the combos for mcdonalds?
me: you're so witty
you: hehe
me: i think some foods work well in the bedroom, and some do not
you: yeah, avocados SUCK
me: i love avocado. i would eat that off anything
you: good to know ;-)
me: honey was suggested once, but i am not interested in that...waaay too sticky and messy
you: not in as much of a sexual way, but more in a food fight
me: i'd be fine with that for some food, not honey
you: ok
me: like whipped cream would be fine
you: YES!
me: honey would be a nightmare to clean up
you: YEAH. hair. sheets.
me: ugh. pass.
Guess it's time to bust out the avocado and whipped cream and go to town...
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