Friday, June 15, 2012


We've had many firsts over the years--first date, first kiss, first fight, first time meeting the parents, first road trip, first time missing my birthday, first time agreeing our dogs are defective, first time addressing the t-shirt issue, first time trying to agree on a wood stain color... God, we're weird.

Anyway, let's revisit some of those firsts.

First kiss (not each other):
  • you: Alison at the mall in 7th grade. We went with my friend Jon and his girlfriend. We were in an exit hallway together and saw Jon and Janette kissing, so I kissed her. It wasn't really romantic or even that memorable because I was absolutely terrified beyond recognition. We dated for a couple of months and then she dumped me.
  • me: Byrl, and he was as simultaneously awkward and aggressive as a 14 year old boy could be. He was a classical violinist and pianist with every goosebumps book ever written, and a proud iguana owner. We ended up making out a couple times, and then he said the best/worst line of all time, without any previous comment on the subject from me, when he lifted my shirt... "Don't worry, they'll get bigger someday."

First kiss (each other):
  • me: "game recognize game, and you're looking really unfamiliar right now" 
  • you: hey, you dissin' my game? id say it's done alright thus far ;-)
  • me: your game? psh. that was my game
  • you: really?
  • me: yep. start to finish
  • you: gonna have to disagree on that one a bit
  • me: how so?
  • you: well, i think id agree that the first kiss was mutual
  • me: 1) who suggested we meet? 2) who suggested we meet for the first time the same day it came up? 3) who gave out her phone number without waiting for you to ask because you took way the hell too long?
  • you: hey, i didnt need it at that point! according to you, miss game-killer, you were talking to someone else
  • me: 4) who extremely unsubtly said she needed something to do the following evening? 5) who then invited you to stay longer than originally planned?
  • you: i was just being respectful
  • me: i WAS talking to someone no risk, no reward
  • you: ouch. you make me sound like a huge pussy here ;-)
  • me: i can keep going

First time I knew you were my type:
  • you: It reminds me of how much time I spent designing my resume. Seriously. I even paid money to download additional fonts to try in Word. I think I tried 9 or 10 different types of paper, 3 or 4 different printers to find the one that printed best, etc. The seemingly simple task of building a resume consumed nearly weeks of my life.

First time you knew I was your type:
  • me: my first concert was Iron Maiden

Planning our first in-person meeting:
  • you: do you have a preference for activities? not sure what your ideal first meeting would be, considering im a stranger
  • me: nah
  • you: and could still, at this point, be a complete lunatic
  • me: as long as you're not taking me into the woods
  • you: so a large, open field would be ok?
  • me: yes
Still many firsts to come...hope they're just as strange and blog-worthy...

Speaking of strange, this is relatively entertaining:

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