Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Reason #7,403: You're a Grammar Nazi

I shouldn't be surprised, but I managed to get exactly what I asked for on Match: someone who knows how to use a semicolon correctly. I believe I also requested good spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and I'm glad to say I got all of that, and more. Countless times over the course of our courting emails we corrected each other and ourselves, falling head over heels with each typo fixed. Or something like that.

you: grammar corrections dont bother me. i find them endearing, in fact
me: well then you're gonna find me overwhelmingly endearing. not that you have bad grammar, i just like to make corrections
you: that last sentence didn't have a period.
me: grammar is not the same as punctuation
you: uh, yeah it is
me: i keep them distinct because i don't do punctuation in IM very often
me: but if you're going to nitpick, then your sentences aren't starting with capitals
you: lot's of times i dont in email either. capitals--don't need them
me: me either, except for EMPHASIS, when i need to YELL AT YOU

you: I want to make sure your worthy first.
me: You mean you're
you: oh god. what the fuck. i hate myself right now. 

you: basically told him that i should have no problem swooning you because that's what i'm up against...
me: swooning me? i don't think that's the proper usage of that word AT ALL

you: fyewf ;-)
me: you have the funniest ways of spelling your onomatopoeias

me: new mom's? moms. no apostrophe. bad, sarah, bad
you: i won't hold it against you. self correction
me: i hold it against myself

you: i don't spell a lot alot alot.
me: i do probably as probalby all the time
you: wow...a grammatically correct sentence with three a lot's in it
minus some punctuation

It must've been the puppy love that kept me from pointing out the additional errors I see now, but considering you were the only candidate with proper semicolon usage, I'll take what I can get! ;)

I haven't killed any of your plants yet.

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