Friday, June 8, 2012


We're definitely in the top quartile (that was for you, data geek) for sentimentality and romance I would think, even if sometimes we're a bit nontraditional about it:

We consider gifts and surprises to be the best way to express romance:
  • you: What is the most romantic thing you have ever done for someone?
    me: Oh wow.  Good question.  I think usually it manifests itself in my gift-giving.
    you: Just as your romanticism typically manifests itself in gifts, mine typically manifests itself in travel/romantic getaways.
We think small things are more romantic than big things:
  • you: I do feel, at least idealistically, that being romantic is more of a theme or a feeling that results from "all the small things"
Our first kiss was romantic without being romantic:

  • you: It's funny, because it wasn't necessarily the most romantic setting, but there's just something about that moment after we hugged when we kind of paused for a second before we kissed that was really, really nice. By the way, I NEVER kiss on the second date (not by policy or anything, it just doesn't happen) and I usually decide "Ok, I want to kiss this girl" and then wait for a couple of dates until the moment arises. I had no intentions of kissing you, even while we were hugging. Guess I just had a feeling. Also, I'm not saying that I kissed you or you kissed me or whatever...I'm just using it in general terms.
In our conversations, you bring up romance far more than I do (which is adorable, btw):
  • you: I had a "first date" idea. I hope you're not looking for anything crazy romantic. Or really romantic at all. 
  • you: Fish guts are behind like 90% of my romantic stories
  • you: Yes, I believe in mushy stuff.

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