Monday, June 11, 2012

By the Numbers, Part II

From December 6 to December 31, 2007, we chatted 37 times, totaling 126,558 words and over 645,000 characters. When pasted into a Word document, that's 379 pages of horniness. Let's get to the word cloud:

 Wordle: SCchat 
Okay, so this one isn't really scandalous compared to the last one, as I said it would be. Although, "sex" does show up 139 times in our conversations, "love" 164 times, and "naked" 22 times. "Haha" shows up 552 times. Clearly we crack each other up.

To make up for the fact that it wasn't as scandalous as you might've been hoping for (I know I was), here are some photos:

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