Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Geeking Out

Beyond the affinity for good grammar and spelling, we have a few other shamefully dorky tendencies. Okay, more than a few. Some might say a lot. A whole lot. But that just makes us more awesome, right?

me: I watch 27.439 hours [of tv] per week
you: Hey. Careful. You're talking to a data guy here. Start throwing numbers around like that and you might really sweep me off my feet :-)

me: I do not pick favorite colors or food, but I definitely pick favorite [software] programs

me: I still have my t-shirt from [the state spelling bee]. I wear it as a night shirt. I should wear it with my crossword underwear. Be ultra geek.

you: I call Jackson "Jacksonian Democracy" sometimes  you: PS This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.

me: If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
you: 7 according to my data, but two had Phytophthora Blight and had to be discarded, netting Peter Piper 5 pickled peppers picked

me: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if he were to have gone to college like his dad told him to instead of taking that year off to "find himself" by backpacking through Europe only to return home and realize he still didn't know who he was and he was a lot poorer and couldn't get a scholarship anymore so he ended up working at the 7-11 down the street from his parents' house and living in their basement until he was 37 and then found a twice divorced crack whore with 3 children from 3 fathers to shack up with and teach him how to commit petty theft?
you: According to my research, a college degree is worth a steadily growing bundle.  According to new data from the Commerce Department's U.S. Census Bureau,  Americans age 18 and older with a bachelor's degree earned an average of $51,554, while those with a high school diploma earned $28,645.  Thus, a difference of $22,909 per year would translate into approximately 101.8 fewer cords of wood chucked.  Poor guy.

And that doesn't cover the number of conversations making fun of people's tech support issues or graphic design fails. Maybe those will be future posts...

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