Thursday, May 31, 2012

Little White Lies

You know, when you're interested in a new person, and flirting, and fawning, and falling all over yourself to make them like you, it's a little like being under duress. You sometimes say things or agree to things you wouldn't otherwise say or agree to. It's okay, I'll forgive you for these little fibs:
  • "I just like checking other things out and think it'd be fun to go with you [to church]! " & "I wouldn't be opposed to going to church with you."
  • "Karaoke sounds like a blast.  I sense a duet coming on?  How about "Endless Love" by Diana Ross and Lionel Richie?  I might have good enough range to sing either part, so I'll let you choose which one you want!!"
  • "I actually enjoy cutting the grass"
  • " I love giving back massages (even the non-sexual ones!)" 
  • "If you ever travel to Decatur, we'll have to check out the FLW houses there"
  • "I promised myself that I would get another tattoo after I passed the bar and I'm coming up on the two year anniversary of that."
  • "You needn't worry about scaring me away by talking about dreams of weddings.  I'm not the kind of guy who freaks out about these things." 
I, on the other hand, told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. In fact, I even predicted the future a few times. Like this little statement:
  • "I may not ride bikes like you, but I'll be there to pick the pebbles and dirt out of your gashes when you crash, antiseptic and bandage you up, and then kiss you until you're all better."
Adrienne agreed that "Corey trying to get in Sarah's pants" is entertaining. I read her a couple of the big whoppers. I'll let it slide though, because you mostly just said over and over how cute I was. Hopefully you still feel that way!

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